




这个杂志呢很多地方在审查上遇到了一些问题,里面有一副漫画。漫画是一张图,主人公是个男的,他没有穿衣服。当然这是不可以了。因为相关的法律法规 规定不能露出那个阴部在公开的出版物上。但这是我认可了,我觉得没有问题。所以把那个杂志特别大的一个LOGO就挡在它那个不合法的部位,然后后来这些出版社的审查人员就告诉我说这个不可以,你把这个人的中间这个地方啊挡住了,你这是在暗喻“党中央”。

我的反应和大家一样啊,我被雷到了。我当时脑子里就在想,有时候把你这个惊天地泣鬼神的想象力,用在文艺创作上,而不是用在文艺审查上那该有多好。 通过这个故事我想告诉大家,其实大家都是很有想象力的啊,但是很多事情我们只能想,我们不能去做,不能写,甚至很多场合不能说啊。呃...我们的限制太多了,这是一个限制级的国家。在限制级的国家里怎么可能产生非常丰富的文化呢?我已经算是一个自我限制很少的一个同志了,但是在我落笔的时候呢,我就会情不自禁的想,警察不能写,领导不能写,政策不能写,制度不能写,司法不能写,很多历史不能写,西藏不能写,新疆不能写,集会不能写,游行不能写,黄色不能写,弊处不能写,艺术不能写,高雅我又写不出。抱歉啊,我真的写不出甚么高雅的东西,我又不是余秋雨。

在网路上发表的一些文章啊,尺度已经算是比较大的。有很多写剧本的朋友,我一些写剧本的朋友,包括宁财神啊写一些话剧,还有电影剧本编剧,他们非常的痛苦。在这样的一个文化环境下,我就开始想,如何成为一个文化大国?除非全世界就剩下中国,朝鲜还有阿富汗。朝鲜是文化禁地,大家都知道。然后阿富汗是因为国内的局势正在搞不清楚,他们还顾不上文化。但纵然这样,他们都有作家写出了《追风筝的人》。当然比较遗憾的是这不是阿富汗出版的。我想,一旦阿富汗 搞清楚了,也不是没有可能去超过中国。


呃... 在中国的这个扫黄史上,可能很多同学,我想大家应该都知道,毕竟是大学生,大家都知道虽然现在的一些教材上并没有具体内容,就是邓丽君和刘文正都是黄色的,下流淫秽,但是呢因为听的人多了他们就变成了黄色和下流,他们就不淫秽了,但是呢到最后全国人民都在听,所以他们既不黄色也不下流了。






Han Han's Speech At XiamenUniversity: The So-called Grand Cultural Nation

This is my second time in Xiamen.  The weather here is great.  No wonder people like to go outside and stroll.  Hmmm ... I just heard Teacher Deng spoke about certain issues on nationalism.  I was reminded of a couple of sayings which I came across them previously.  They are other people's words, not mine.  The first saying is, "Nationalism is the last refuge of scoundrels."  The second sentence is, "True patriotism is to protect this country so that it will not suffer any harm."

For today's talk, I have brought along a written speech in order to constrain myself.  Mainly, I don't want you to suffer any harm because I may stray all over the place.  Let me begin.

Dear leaders, dear teachers, dear students, how are you?  Do you know why China cannot become a grand cultural nation?  It is because most of the time when we speak, we put "Dear leaders" first and those leaders are uncultured.  Not only that, for they are also afraid of culture, they censor culture and they control culture.  So how can such a nation become a grand cultural nation?  Dear leaders, what do you say?

Actually, China has the potential to become a grand cultural nation.  Let me tell you a story.  I am the chief editor of a magazine which has yet to be published.  The Constitution states that every citizen has the freedom to publish, but the law also says that the leaders has the freedom not to let you publish.  This magazine encountered certain problems during the review process.  There is a cartoon drawing.  In it, there is a man without clothes -- of course, this is unacceptable because the law says that we cannot exhibit the private parts in a publicly available magazine.  I agree with that and I don't have a problem with it.  Therefore, I intentionally created an extra-large magazine logo to place at the illegal spot of the cartoon.  But unexpectedly, the publisher and the censor told us that this was unacceptable too -- when you cover up the middle part of a person, you are referring to the "Party Central" (note: "party" is a homonym for "block/shield" and "central" can mean either "center" or "middle").  My reaction was like yours -- I was awed and shocked.  I thought to myself, "Friend, it would be so wonderful if you could put your awe-inspiring imagination into literary creation instead of literary censorship."

I use this story to tell you that everybody has good imagination.  Yet we can only imagine many things but we cannot do them, we cannot write about them and we cannot even talk about them in many situations.  We have too many restrictions.  This is a restricted country.  How can a restricted country produce a rich and abundant culture?  I am a comrade who has few restrictions.  But when I write, I cannot help but think: I can't write about the police, I can't write about the leaders, I can't write about government policies, I can't write about the system, I can't write about the judiciary, I can't write about many pieces of history, I cannot write about Tibet, I cannot write about Xinjiang, I cannot write about assemblies, I cannot write about demonstration marches, I cannot write about pornography, I cannot write about censorship, I cannot write about art.  I am unable to write anything elegant.  I am really incapable of writing anything elegant because I am not Yu Qiuyu.

Internet essays have more room.  Many friends who write scripts.  I know some friends who write scripts (such as Ning Caishen's theatre scripts) and others who write movie scripts.  They suffer a lot.  Under such a cultural environment, I wonder how can China be a grand cultural nation.  Maybe if the world is reduced down to China, North Korea and Afghanistan.  

Everybody knows that culture is out of bounds in North Korea.  In Afghanistan, the situation with the nation is still unclear so they can't be bothered with culture for now.  Even so, they have a writer who wrote , which unfortunately was not published in Afghanistan.  I think that once Afghanistan sorts itself out, it may possibly surpass China.

In our so-called international exchanges, we cannot keep bringing out the Four Great Works or the sayings of Confucius and Mencius.  We know that this is like a conversation during a marriage interview.  The girl's side asks you if you are rich and you reply that your ancestors eighteen generations ago were very rich.  That won't help you now.  We did not cause this tragedy, even though it is said that the road to North Korea is paved by the silence of everybody.  On one hand, we are better than North Korea because we know what it is like there.  On the other hand, I think that many of you present today are not silent -- it is just that we are being harmonized.

In the history of the war against pornography in China, many fellow students are aware (even though these facts have been disappeared from the teaching materials) that Teresa Deng and Liu Wenzheng were pornographic, vulgar and indecent once up a time.  When too many people listened to them sing, they became pornographic, vulgar and indecent.  But when every Chinese person listened to them sing, they were no longer pornographic, vulgar or indecent anymore.  If we all oppose cultural censorship so that the the only words left in the database of banned words are anti-human ones, we can create a grand cultural nation.  It does not matter if my name or yours get added into the database.  I believe that the database has a maximum capacity and every additional word will accelerate its destruction.

I hope that our news media workers, our students, our teachers, our cultural workers and our cultural lovers will try our best to reduce the censorship, and our leaders (who are not the same as our parents) and our government may have sufficient self-confidence to become more open.  I know that our leaders like to export our culture because this is a sign of a strong nation.  But I feel that our present culture is not exportable.  In this creative environment, all writers/workers are constantly censoring themselves.  How can any respectable work be produced in this environment?  Around the world, you attempt to export Chinese culture by offering works that have been castrated like to foreigners.  Do you think these foreigners are aliens from outer space?  On the issue of whether China has truly risen up economically, I think we should wait until the real estate industry collapses because we cannot tell right now.  But if a nation truly rises up culturally, it will be a strong nation and it will never have any fear of collapsing.

Finally, I want to return to the database of banned words.  The more words are in that database, the weaker the culture of that nation will be.  But our government gives you plenty of explanations.  They tell you that this is being done to protect young people and to maintain social stability.  

Culture is free, so they have the right to censor any information or culture that may endanger young people or destroy social stability.  But if you agree with that, then sooner or later that when you complain about what happened to you one day, they will censor you because you are destroying social stability.  Any opinion that is disadvantageous to the ruling class or their interests destroys social stability and endangers young people.  If we had put up with the Green Dam software back then, we would have Green Dam operating now.  When that time comes, we will not just be looking at the demise of culture.  So fellow students, we cannot let this day arrive.  Otherwise, we will be the laughing stock in the electronic history books that our grandchildren will receive via satellite many years from now.
Thank you, everybody.

CNNIC CA:最最最严重安全警告!


GFW 工程队名单:

中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 www.mii.gov.cn

国家计算机网络与信息安全管理中心 www.ict.ac.cn

中国科学院软件研究所信息安全实验室 home.is.ac.cn

中国科学院计算技术研究所 www.ict.ac.cn

哈工大计算机网络与信息安全技术研究中心 pact518.hit.edu.cn

国防科学技术大学 www.nudt.edu.cn


北京启明星辰信息技术有限公司 www.venustech.com.cn

北京麦纳科技发展有限公司 地址:北京市海淀区北三环西路48号北京科技会展中心1B10N

北京大正语言知识处理科技有限公司 www.hncit.com

上海百络信息技术有限公司 www.netbai.com

上海鹏越惊虹信息技术发展有限公司 www.pengyue.com.cn

易思同创信息技术北京有限公司 www.esies.com

北京冠群金辰软件有限公司 www.kill.com.cn

Check Point软件技术有限公司 www.checkpoint.com.cn

泉州南狐软件有限公司 www.nanhoo.com

厦门翼讯科技有限公司 www.yisence.net

海天软件有限公司 www.haitian.com.cn

珠海同易信息技术有限公司 www.tonnysoft.net

厦门泛德科技开发有限公司 www.fande.com.cn

厦门诚创科技有限公司 www.xmcct.ne

上海汉景信息科技有限公司 www.aitcn.com

汉邦软科集团 www.hba.cn

深圳中科新业信息科技发展有限公司 www.feetu.com

北京网康科技有限公司 www.netentsec.com

卓尔伟业信息技术有限公司 www.myprice.com.cn

北京中教高科信息技术有限公司 www.ceht.net

清华同方知网技术有限公司 tpi.cnki.net

广州星外信息科技有限公司 www.7i24.com

珠海捷朗菱网络科技有限公司 www.zetronic.com.cn

北京喜安科高科技有限公司 www.cnk.com.cn

北京电信通绿信科技有限公司 www.lvxin.com.cn

联想网御科技(北京)有限公司 www.leadsec.com.cn

阿姆瑞特亚洲网络有限公司 www.amarantenasia.com

北京天融信公司 www.topsec.com.cn

浙江浙大网新科技股份有限公司 www.insigma.com.cn

神州数码控股有限公司 www.digitalchina.com

北京太极信息安全技术有限公司 www.china-pki.com

北京中科网威信息技术有限公司 www.westone.com.cn

北京中科网威信息技术有限公司 www.netpower.com.cn

西安安智科技有限公司 www.angelltech.com

北京首信股份有限公司 www.capitel.cn

北京国都兴业科技发展有限公司 www.captech.net.cn

成都三○盛安信息系统有限公司 www.30san.com

成都大东网络安全技术有限责任公司 www.ddnetwork.com.cn

北京赛门铁克信息技术有限公司 www.symantec.com.cn

ServGate Technologies

哈尔滨工业大学软件工程有限公司 www.hitsoftware.com.cn

北京瑞星科技股份有限公司 www.rising.com.cn

北京清华紫光比威网络技术有限公司 www.bit-way.com

Websense 中国研发中心 www.websense.com/content/Regional/SCH/Home.aspx

安氏互联网安全系统有限公司 www.is-one.net

东软集团 www.neusoft.com/cn/

北京港湾网络有限公司 www.harbournetworks.com

华为技术有限公司 www.huawei.com/cn/

北京网安趋势 www.nstrend.com.cn

北方电讯(Nortel Networks) www.nortelnetworks.com

思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司 www.cisco.com/web/CN/

China: Survey on Chinese Twitter users

Kenengba conducted a Chinese Twitter user survey on Jan 27 2010. Apart from mapping out the background of Chinese twitterers, the blogger wants to find out why Chinese netizens take all the trouble to get around the Great Fire Wall for getting access to Twitter. He received around 1,000 responses and posted the finding in his blog.
Gender distribution
数据显示13%的受访者为女性,87%为男性。这与大多数人的预测基本吻合,中文Twitter圈子阳气过重,男性推友应 该鼓励身边的女性朋友上Twitter,不然,按照这个比例,在Twitter上找到女朋友的几率不会很大。
According to the data, 13% of the respondents is female and 87% is male which is consistent to most people's observation. Chinese Twitter circle is too masculine. Male twitterers should encourage your female friend to use Twitter or else chance for meeting girl friend here would be very low.
Age distribution
数据显示大多数推友的年龄在21-29岁之间,这部分推友占了将近70%的比例。…在接受调查的推友里,年龄最小的是12 岁,最大的为55岁。下面是年龄分布直方图,很明显地,推友的年龄呈正态分布…
70% of the twitterers is between 21-29, the youngest twitterer is only 12 and the oldest is 55. Below is a bar chart on the age distribution. It is in normal distribution.
Education background
持有或即将持有本科学历的占了中文Twitter用户的绝大部分,硕士学历的推友是Twitter中文圈的第二大群体,接 下来是大专学历的推友。
The majority of the users has bachelor degree and the second largest group is master degree holders followed by twitters with tertiary education background. We should notice that a group of high school students is running towards Web 2.0.
Many years ago, liberal minded university students marked our history, the authority will never allow undergraduate using Twitter.
Gender and geographical information
将近一半的受访推友来自北京、上海、广东三地,接下来分别是:浙江、江苏、福建。。。这6个地区的推友占了总数的67%。 从地图上看,这6个地区都位于沿海地区,经济相对比较发达。
More than half of the respondents come from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong followed by Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Fujian… The 6 regions constitute 67% of the respondents. They are located along the coastal line and economically more well off.
从数据里可以看到,学生推友占了将近30%,然后是“计算机软、硬件”行业15%、“互联网产品相关”12.5%。如果将 后两者归类为IT行业,那学生和IT人士占了推友的50%以上,他们是Twitter的主力军。
The data shows that about 30% of the respondents are students followed by computer software and hardware sector (15%) and then Internet related production sector (12.5%). If we group the two into I.T industry, then we can see that students and I.T professionals are the key player in Twitter community as they together constitute more than 50% of the respondents.
As for the question on why they choose to take all the trouble for getting access to Twitter, here is a list of their answer:
12、在这儿我想说什么就说什么。而不用去考虑,这句话我该不该说,该怎么说。会不会说过了而触犯了什么“法律”。 这就是自由的味道,我喜欢这种味道。
1. To know the truth and open the horizon
2. To record and share my life
3. To get information and show my concern about democracy
4. Because Fanfou has been shut down
5. To get all the gossips in order to clear information for my colleagues who live in Mars
6. Follow the planet that I like and later fall in love with everything in Twitter
7. The exchange in Twitter is very interesting
8. No censor here and we can preserve the primary mode of communication here
9. To kill time
10. To follow uncle leg (@kcome)
11. I learn about twitter from kenengba and feel that as a party member I should learn more about this world
12. I can say what I want here without considering whether I should say this or how I should say this. Whether or not I would violate any law. This is the taste of freedom that I enjoy.
13. In an army school where ideological control is very strict, Twitter allows me to keep my independent citizen conscious.
14. University teacher introduces me here
15. Less liars here
16. Job requirement
17. An inevitableness choice for journalist student
18. Passion for new technology
19. At first I come here because I have a crush with a girl who is using Twitter…
20. Why not?